With the total consumption of data centres worldwide surpassing the energy consumption of, among others, countries like Sweden, investing into the energy efficiency of data centres means to invest into the future, both of the planet and of the data centre. This is a challenge that the international workshop on energy efficient data centres E2DC takes up for the third time in 2014: Increasing the energy efficiency of data centres is a first step at decoupling the rising need for communication and computation from the ecological footprint of data centres.
An Introduction to the EU Projects All4Green and DC4Cities
Is the Current Data Growth Rate Sustainable? Ian Bitterlin, CTO Emerson Network Power Systems, Visiting Professor at University of Leeds
Coffee Break
Chair: Hermann de Meer (University of Passau)
- Agile Traffic Merging for DCNs Qing Yi and Suresh Singh
- Performance and Energy Efficiency of Parallel Processing in Data Center Environments Paul J. Kuehn
- Cyclic Blackout Mitigation through HVAC Shifted Queue Kasim Al-Salim, Ivan Andonovic and Craig Michie
- Stochastic Petri Net Models for the Analysis of Trade-offs Centres with Power Björn F. Postema and Boudewijn Haverkort
Session wrap up and questions
Chair: Jaume Salom (IREC)
- Geyser: Enabling Green Data Centres in Smart Cities I. Anghel, M. Bertoncini, T. Cioara, M. Cupelli, V. Georgiadou, P. Jahangiri, A. Monti, S. Murphy, A. Schoofs, T.Velivassaki.
- Analysing the Influence of Application Deployment to Energy Consumption Marco Gribaudo, Thi Thao Nguyen Ho, Barbara Pernici, Giuseppe Serazzi
- Minimization of Costs and Energy Consumption in Data Centers by a Workload Based Capacity Management Georges Da Costa, Ariel Oleksiak, Wojciech Piatek, Jaume Salom and Laura Sisó
- Building Application Profiles to Allow a Better Usage of Renewable Energies in Data Centres Corentin Dupont
Session wrap up and questions
Coffee Break
Chair: Alfonso Capozzoli (Politecnico di Torino)
- Review on Performance Metrics for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers: the Role of Thermal Management A. Capozzoli, M.Chinnici, M. Perino, G. Serale
- Gain more from PUE: Assessing Data Center Infrastructure Power Adaptability D. Schlitt, G. Schomaker, W. Nebel
Session wrap up and questions
Closing of the Workshop
In the last two workshops of the E2DC series a variety of starting points to do this were identified by researchers of academia and industry: Whereas formerly the focus was on enhancing the IT equipment and cooling, later the software running in the data centre and the way that workload is being processed turned out to be also key. Some of last year’s contributions broadened the scope and dealt with the adequacy of data centres for demand response approaches. Going a step forward, this year E2DC will additionally center on the optimization of the efficiency in the energy supply and on data centres in the context of smart cities. Topics will not be confined to technical solutions only but extend to issues regarding the economic viability of the proposed solutions, addressing researchers from both industry and academia.
The workshop invites original papers of 12-15 pages that were not previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Integration of data centres in smart cities
- Demand response strategies in data centres
- Optimizing the use of renewable energy sources in data centres
- New metrics for green data centres
- Energy-aware communication and network solutions
- Energy-aware data centre infrastructure and architectures
- Energy-aware cloud and high performance computing
- Energy-aware data storages and reservoirs
- Scalability of federated data centres
- Novel business models of green ICT and data centres
- Energy optimization algorithms and models
- GreenSLAs and other green data centre contracts
- Green computation and services
- Standardization for eco-efficient data centre management
- Big data and large scale simulations in eco-aware data centres
Submission and publication of the work
The workshop will be co-located with the ACM conference e-Energy 2014, June 11-13 in Cambridge, UK. Manuscripts will be submitted via easychair. Also this year, papers will be published with Springer LNCS. Submission implies the willingness of, at least, one author to register and present the paper at E2DC. The organizers reserve the right to exclude a paper from publication if it is not presented. For more information please contact klingert@informatik.uni-mannheim.de.
Call for Paper - Download
Important Dates
Paper submission
February 28, 2014
Notification of acceptance
April 18, 2014
Submission of camera-ready papers
May 9, 2014
Workshop Chairs
Sonja Klingert, University of Mannheim, Germany
Marta Chinnici, ENEA, Italy
Milagros Rey Porto, Gas Natural, Spain
Technical Programme Committee
Hermann de Meer(University of Passau, Germany)
Daniel Gmach(HPLabs, USA)
Jorjeta Jetcheva (Fujitsu Laboratories of America, USA)
Paul Kühn(University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Eric Madeleine(INRIA, France)
Maria Perez Ortega(GFI, Spain)
Mary Ann Piette(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
Barbara Pernici(Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Gunnar Schomaker(OFFIS, Germany)
Shaolei Ren(Florida International University, USA)
Tomasz Siewierski(Technical University of Lodz)